SQL Lesson 18: Dropping tables

In some rare cases, you may want to remove an entire table including all of its data and metadata, and to do so, you can use the DROP TABLE statement, which differs from the DELETE statement in that it also removes the table schema from the database entirely.

Drop table statement

Like the CREATE TABLE statement, the database may throw an error if the specified table does not exist, and to suppress that error, you can use the IF EXISTS clause.

In addition, if you have another table that is dependent on columns in table you are removing (for example, with a FOREIGN KEY dependency) then you will have to either update all dependent tables first to remove the dependent rows or to remove those tables entirely.


We've reached the end of our exercises, so lets clean up by removing all the tables we've worked with.

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Otherwise, continue to the next lesson: SQL Lesson X: To infinity and beyond!
Table: movies (Read-only)
Loading SQL...
Table: boxoffice (Read-only)
Loading SQL...
Query results
Loading SQL...
Exercise 18 — Tasks
  1. We've sadly reached the end of our lessons, lets clean up by removing the Movies table
  2. And drop the BoxOffice table as well
Stuck? Read this task's Solution.
Solve all tasks to continue to the next lesson.
Finish above Tasks